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Seeking Soulutions

“It’s Hard to Feel Down When You’re Looking Up!”

It sounds simple…and it is!!! Think about how our body posture is when we are depressed or feeling blue. Our shoulders are slumped…our gaze is down…we wear a frown…and our movements are slower.

Studies have shown that we can consciously shift the way we feel simply by altering our body language and mimicking a “happy” body. By that, I mean, standing tall with shoulders back…putting a smile on—faking it is fine!...and setting our eyes to the skies! Adding to that, being out in nature and letting Earth Mother love us with all of her beauty will fill our souls. Finally, allowing thoughts of gratitude to fill our minds, our brains will start to release that “feel good” neurotransmitter, dopamine, into our systems. A perfect remedy for beating the winter blues!

Try it and feel free to share your experiences with us J!

Peace and Love,
